Brixton Cycles - the Whole Story

Once upon a time, there was a friendly neighbourhood bicycle shop in South London. Then the big bad property developers came and evicted the cycle shop. But the cycle shop fought back and reopened in bigger, better premises. Life was good for the workers for 14 years or so, until new property developers came in the name of 'gentrification' and forced the company out once more. What would the poor oppressed workers cooperative do now? They got their heads together and came up with a plan: "Crowdfunding!" they exclaimed. And sure enough, one year later, Brixton Cycles looks set to live happily ever after with their brand new shop and café. 

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Look Mum No Hands! - the cycle cafe that wrote the rulebook

Look Mum No Hands! - an unusual name for a cafe - but, as it turned out, weirdly prophetic. In 2010, three friends who were into cycling, launched LMNH and, unwisely for a new business, had no plan for failure or running at a loss. Just like a small child learning to ride a bike, full of confidence and knowing no fear, the trio "opened the doors, and in they came!" Huge acclaim followed. Ride Velo met with co-founder Lewin Chalkley to discover their recipe for success. 

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Good Vibrations from Pavé, Culture Cycliste

Firstly, a little bit of advice before you go, and you must go to this shop if you're ever in Barcelona: fork out the 20 odd Euros to get there by taxi. If you have a hire car, even better. We took a metro, a train and then a bus to get to El Prat de Llobregat which, it turns out, is not on any tourist guide to Barcelona, the reason being that this is part of the industrial heartland of the city surrounding the airport, its main features being large warehouses, factories and lorry depots. Plaça Reial, this ain't. 

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Save Our Cycle Shop!

Last night saw the launch of a critical campaign to save London's most iconic cycle shop - Brixton Cycles. Hundreds of aficionados packed into Brixton East club in South-West London to join in the fund-raising fun. The campaign aims to raise money to save the community shop and help it remain where it belongs - in Brixton.

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