Bicycle Ballet!

At Ride Velo we thought we’d covered most activities to do with cycling: vintage events, track cycling, cyclo cross, city crits, bike polo and the Grand Tours to name but a few. But this is the first time we’d come across Bicycle Ballet!

The Bicycle Ballet company creates exhilarating outdoor dance performances on bikes, exploring the joyful highs and gritty lows of cycling.  The choreographies fuse dance and physical theatre with visual spectacle, comedy and striking soundtracks. But, at its heart, its all about the bike.   Expressing the freedom and fun of cycling, and exploring people’s partnerships with their trusty steeds.

Blazing Saddles will be a performance of 30 Southwark based people and their bikes around the show’s key concept of “issues, ideas and fashions of women cycling through history to the present day.” Participants will work with choreographer Janine Fletcher and will perform in a series of short vignette sequences moving between a variety of locations during the course of the afternoon of the show day, 17th September. There will be guided rides between the sites as well as a “performative picnic.”

The organisers say this is an opportunity to develop new skills, boost confidence, work as part of a team, meet new people and have lots of fun. If you want to take part you will need to be available for at least three rehearsals. For further information and to sign up just turn up at the Francis Peek Community Centre, Dulwich Park, London SE21 7BQ on Saturday 20th August 2-4pm or contact Veronica at More information can be found on their website.

Bicycle Ballet performing at their Mass Show in Brighton

Bicycle Ballet performing at their Mass Show in Brighton