Save Tavistock Place Cycle Lane!

The improved layout for cyclists in Tavistock Place in London is under threat from taxi drivers who are furious about being inconvenienced for pick-ups and drop-offs at local hotels and nearby train stations. The Licensed Taxi Drivers Association (LTDA) is lobbying its members to scupper Camden Council’s consultation to make the scheme permanent.

While there have been segregated cycle lanes here for years, in November last year Camden made improvements which removed a lane for motor vehicles and added one-way tracks either side for bicycles. As a result there has been a doubling in the capacity for cycling, huge reduction in ‘hook risks’ at junctions, 50% increase in cycling in some sections and a 26% increase in people walking. There has also been an improvement in air quality in the area and the roads have become genuinely nicer to walk, work and live on.

You can have your say by replying to the consultation. London Cycling Campaign have a page that will direct you to the consultation form so click here, making sure that you answer Q6, “Would you like the current street layout…to become permanent?” Answer: “Yes.” “Would you like the street to return to its pre-trial layout…?” Answer: “No.” It only takes a minute of your time!